On Codelist

Codes that are on the CRSChannelCode codelist.

11000 Donor Government 179
90000 Other 23
44001 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 7
41114 United Nations Development Programme 9
61000 Private sector in provider country 19
13000 Third Country Government (Delegated co-operation) 9
22000 Donor country-based NGO 24
41122 United Nations Children’s Fund 9
22501 OXFAM - provider country office 5
43000 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 6
41146 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 8
12000 Recipient Government 11
41143 World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account 8
47046 International Organisation of the Francophonie 1
41304 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 8
47501 Global Partnership for Education 5
46009 Caribbean Development Bank 1
41140 World Food Programme 8
47000 Other multilateral institution 7
61004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles 4
61009 Other non-financial corporations 7
31000 Public-Private Partnership (PPP) 5
51000 University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank 19
41302 International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions 4
47079 Organisation of American States 4
47020 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre 3
46004 Asian Development Bank 6
47127 Latin-American Energy Organisation 1
46003 African Development Fund 4
46012 Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and Multilateral Investment Fund 5
44006 Advance Market Commitments 1
47503 Global Agriculture and Food Security Program 2
41101 Convention to Combat Desertification 5
41119 United Nations Population Fund 7
47504 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 1
44004 International Finance Corporation 6
41108 International Fund for Agricultural Development 7
47134 Clean Technology Fund 1
44005 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 2
41502 United Nations Office for Project Services 8
45001 World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre 5
32000 Network 7
47044 Global Environment Facility Trust Fund 4
63009 Other non-financial corporations 4
47066 International Organisation for Migration 8
47083 Pan-American Health Organisation 3
23000 Developing country-based NGO 20
47045 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria 5
41126 United Nations Mine Action Service 5
47017 International Centre for Tropical Agriculture 2
47078 Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol 4
41301 Food and Agricultural Organisation 8
22502 Save the Children - donor country office 6
21045 African Medical and Research Foundation 3
21016 International Committee of the Red Cross 9
41110 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 6
47122 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization 6
41149 United Nations Development Coordination Office 4
51001 International Food Policy Research Institute 2
41317 Green Climate Fund 4
21039 International Institute for Sustainable Development 5
41127 United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs 7
11001 Central Government 42
21033 Transparency International 5
47080 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Contributions to special funds for Technical Co-operation Activities Only) 6
41121 United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 8
47059 International Development Law Organisation 6
41128 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 6
41313 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) 6
47015 CGIAR Fund 5
21023 International Planned Parenthood Federation 5
41134 United Nations University (including Endowment Fund) 6
41107 International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) 4
41310 United Nations Department of Peace Operations – UN peacekeeping operations [only MINURSO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MINUJUSTH, MONUSCO, UNAMID, UNIFIL, UNISFA, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI]. Report contributions mission by mission in CRS++. 5
41106 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 3
21053 IPAS-Protecting Women’s Health, Advancing Women’s Reproductive Rights 5
21032 Population Services International 4
47132 Commonwealth Secretariat (ODA-eligible contributions only) 1
41147 Central Emergency Response Fund 7
12001 Central Government 12
62009 Other non-financial corporations 4
47005 African Union (excluding peacekeeping facilities) 6
41130 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 9
44002 International Development Association 5
44000 World Bank Group (WB) 5
41305 United Nations 7
11004 Other public entities in donor country 18
41116 United Nations Environment Programme 7
47056 World AgroForestry Centre 4
47053 International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh 3
47011 Caribbean Community Secretariat 1
41103 Economic Commission for Africa 4
47025 Commonwealth of Learning 1
41141 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund 5
21506 International Rescue Committee 4
62003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions 7
21042 International Peacebuilding Alliance 4
47502 Global Fund for Disaster Risk Reduction 2
41312 International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions 3
12002 Local Government 9
47021 International Potato Centre 2
21029 Doctors Without Borders 1
41000 United Nations agency, fund or commission (UN) 9
41111 United Nations Capital Development Fund 4
11003 Public corporations 6
63003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions 2
41123 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 5
46015 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 7
41150 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research 4
47129 Global Environment Facility - Least Developed Countries Fund 4
41120 United Nations Human Settlement Programme 6
41125 United Nations Institute for Training and Research 6
47123 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining 7
21050 Geneva Call 5
41148 United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs. 5
61003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions 3
63000 Private sector in third country 7
30011 International Union for the Conservation of Nature 6
30001 Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 4
31006 Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations 5
45000 World Trade Organisation (WTO) 2
41315 United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction 6
47086 Private Infrastructure Development Group 1
47131 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 6
11002 Local Government 11
47061 Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture 2
21058 International Crisis Group 4
12003 Public corporations 5
47013 Commonwealth Foundation 1
60000 Private sector institution 24
30012 Global Climate Partnership Fund 2
42003 European Commission - European Development Fund 5
12004 Other public entities in recipient country 14
50000 Others 3
47003 Association of South East Asian Nations: Economic Co-operation 3
21017 International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development 2
42001 European Commission - Development Share of Budget 5
46002 African Development Bank 5
41104 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 2
45002 World Trade Organisation - Advisory Centre on WTO Law 3
41135 United Nations Volunteers 4
41144 International Labour Organisation - Regular Budget Supplementary Account 4
44007 International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative 3
41138 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture 3
41137 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Co-operation in the Field of Human Rights 3
21021 International Institute for Environment and Development 1
45003 World Trade Organisation - Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund 2
42000 European Union Institution (EU) 6
30005 International AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2
30006 International Partnership on Microbicides 2
21004 Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa 2
21060 Association for the Prevention of Torture 2
47077 Mekong River Commission 2
41307 World Health Organisation - assessed contributions 5
47058 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 4
21038 International Alert 2
47106 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces 3
47001 African Capacity Building Foundation 2
21018 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 5
21043 European Parliamentarians for Africa 1
21501 OXFAM International 4
21010 Forum for African Women Educationalists 3
47034 Economic Community of West African States 2
21009 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa 1
43001 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust 2
41316 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 4
62000 Private sector in recipient country 15
41314 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (extrabudgetary contributions only) 4
41503 UN-led Country-based Pooled Funds 1
46005 Asian Development Fund 3
47138 Council of Europe 4
23501 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 3
62004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles 4
47144 International Renewable Energy Agency 5
47136 Global Green Growth Institute 4
47067 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4
47135 Strategic Climate Fund 1
41401 UN-Multi Partner Trust Fund Office 4
21508 Sustainable Energy for All 1
31004 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative International Secretariat 3
47081 OECD Development Centre 5
41309 World Meteorological Organisation 4
47104 WorldFish Centre 3
21026 International Service for Human Rights 4
30004 Global Water Partnership 1
41145 International Maritime Organization - Technical Co-operation Fund 3
46026 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 3
62007 Other financial corporations 3
21061 International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims 1
21035 World Organisation Against Torture 3
47143 Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund 4
47118 Regional Organisation for the Strengthening of Supreme Audit Institutions of Francophone Sub-Saharan Countries 1
47128 Nordic Development Fund 3
41303 International Telecommunications Union 4
41306 Universal Postal Union 4
41308 World Intellectual Property Organisation 3
46017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (all EBRD countries of operations) 2
21020 International HIV/AIDS Alliance 1
21502 World Vision 4
63004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles 2
30016 European Fund for Southeast Europe 1
46000 Regional Development Bank 3
30009 Small Arms Survey 4
47089 Southern African Development Community 2
47074 International Vaccine Institute 3
47130 Global Environment Facility - Special Climate Change Fund 2
47141 African Tax Administration Forum 4
42004 European Investment Bank 5
47096 Secretariat of the Pacific Community 1
47111 Adaptation Fund 3
41321 World Health Organisation - Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan 2
47073 International Tropical Timber Organisation 2
21505 Save the Children 5
47008 World Vegetable Centre 1
21001 Association of Geoscientists for International Development 3
62001 Banks (deposit taking corporations except Micro Finance Institutions) 2
41105 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 2
47019 International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies 1
47069 Bioversity International 2
30010 International drug purchase facility 2
41131 United Nations System Staff College 2
47125 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 1
41402 Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund 2
46024 Council of Europe Development Bank 3
63001 Banks (deposit taking corporations except Micro Finance Institutions) 2
21062 The Nature Conservancy 2
47018 Centre for International Forestry Research 1
21063 Conservation International 1
21031 PANOS Institute 2
21057 International Centre for Transitional Justice 3
47107 International Finance Facility for Immunisation 1
41318 Global Mechanism 1
41501 United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation 1
47029 Sahel and West Africa Club 1
46016 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) 2
43002 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Initiative Trust Fund [includes HIPC, Extended Credit Facility (ECF), and ECF-HIPC sub-accounts] 1
43006 Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust 1
41151 International Agency for Research on Cancer 2
21064 Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. 2
47043 Global Crop Diversity Trust 2
47148 World Organisation for Animal Health 2
44003 International Development Association - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative Trust Fund 1
47062 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 2
47065 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission 1
41403 COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund 1
47054 International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology 2
31007 Drugs for Neglected Diseases initative 2
46018 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Early Transition Countries Fund 1
47103 World Maritime University 1
47149 International Commission on Missing Persons 1
46019 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Western Balkans Joint Trust Fund 2
47117 New Partnership for Africa's Development 1
47082 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States 2
47022 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna 1
21041 Society for International Development 1
52000 Other 3
63002 Micro Finance Institutions (deposit and non-deposit) 3
41129 United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 1
61002 Private exporter in provider country 1
21049 European Centre for Development Policy Management 3
47036 European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation 1
41112 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 1
21047 AgriCord 1
30003 Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative 1
21024 Inter Press Service, International Association 1
21037 Women's World Banking 2
41311 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (Window One: Flexible Contributions Only) 1
41142 United Nations Democracy Fund 1
61010 Retail investors 2
47051 International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas 1
47140 Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture 1
47145 Center of Excellence in Finance 1
21027 ITF Enhancing Human Security 2
47068 Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission 1
62010 Retail investors 1
47139 World Customs Organization Customs Co-operation Fund 1
47093 South East Asian Ministers of Education 1
30013 Microfinance Enhancement Facility 2
21056 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership 1
47142 OPEC Fund for International Development 1
62008 Importers/Exporters 1
47063 International Livestock Research Institute 1
46025 Islamic Development Bank 1
47075 International Water Management Institute 1
47070 International Rice Research Institute 1
47057 International Crop Research for Semi-Arid Tropics 1
21503 Family Health International 360 1
21006 Development Gateway Foundation 1
47101 Africa Rice Centre 1
47137 African Risk Capacity Group 1
61005 Insurance Corporations 1
63007 Other financial corporations 1
61007 Other financial corporations 1
62002 Micro Finance Institutions (deposit and non-deposit) 1

Not On Codelist

Codes that are not on the CRSChannelCode codelist.
