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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 481,316 447,324 434,657 295,251 186,065 152,073 139,406 126,618 68.05
Extending 519,692 485,398 485,350 292,269 227,423 193,129 193,081 50,857 22.36
Funding 1,175,164 957,457 899,721 501,161 674,003 456,296 398,560 170,556 25.3
Implementing 856,438 685,468 516,398 122,619 733,819 562,849 393,779 352,934 48.1
Provider 5,925,093 5,131,054 3,596,660 2,676,267 3,248,826 2,454,787 920,393 513,227 15.8
Receiver 7,027,086 3,663,073 2,193,390 1,340,568 5,686,518 2,322,505 852,822 644,435 11.33