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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 479,588 445,131 433,351 294,147 185,441 150,984 139,204 125,467 67.66
Extending 510,732 475,398 475,252 280,782 229,950 194,616 194,470 50,076 21.78
Funding 1,021,633 826,590 793,375 441,477 580,156 385,113 351,898 150,850 26.0
Implementing 783,651 621,631 448,745 120,889 662,762 500,742 327,856 295,207 44.54
Provider 5,115,950 4,440,528 3,082,837 2,175,732 2,940,218 2,264,796 907,105 531,420 18.07
Receiver 5,887,677 3,055,150 1,730,398 1,119,769 4,767,908 1,935,381 610,629 537,232 11.27