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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 482,485 448,503 435,798 294,845 187,640 153,658 140,953 127,180 67.78
Extending 523,933 489,622 489,574 294,670 229,263 194,952 194,904 52,001 22.68
Funding 1,037,851 959,839 901,625 503,749 534,102 456,090 397,876 166,623 31.2
Implementing 831,681 658,796 489,631 89,808 741,873 568,988 399,823 357,515 48.19
Provider 5,601,317 4,803,205 3,282,518 2,597,094 3,004,223 2,206,111 685,424 553,807 18.43
Receiver 7,072,123 3,690,640 2,222,016 1,358,207 5,713,916 2,332,433 863,809 653,709 11.44