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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 482,482 448,520 435,815 295,015 187,467 153,505 140,800 127,177 67.84
Extending 523,597 489,312 489,264 294,357 229,240 194,955 194,907 52,002 22.68
Funding 1,037,130 959,238 901,024 503,242 533,888 455,996 397,782 166,601 31.21
Implementing 830,886 658,824 489,660 89,813 741,073 569,011 399,847 357,581 48.25
Provider 5,601,297 4,803,259 3,282,592 2,596,862 3,004,435 2,206,397 685,730 553,904 18.44
Receiver 7,071,739 3,691,103 2,222,477 1,358,404 5,713,335 2,332,699 864,073 653,818 11.44