
On the Registry gb-chc-220949
Reporting Org on Registry GB-CHC-220949
Reporting Org(s) in Data GB-CHC-220949
Activity Files 2
Organisation Files 1
Total File Size 2.7 MB
Activities 371
Unique Activities 369
Organisations 1
Versions 2.01 2.03
Hierarchies null
Licenses other-at
Files failing validation 0

371 Activities


2 Activity Files


1 Organisation Files


Files per version


2.7 MB Total File Size


Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

No issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)
Total 889 216645245.68 GBP
74 182051841.10999998 GBP
18 27416819.59 GBP
2011 24 6276635.0 GBP
2012 34 12820371.01 GBP
2013 54 14070591.0 GBP
2014 34 14927626.75 GBP
2015 55 15572323.14 GBP
2016 80 17171103.97 GBP
2017 92 22808379.58 GBP
2018 105 24048397.94 GBP
2019 130 26591087.89 GBP
1 53498.0 GBP
2020 130 28525531.84 GBP
5 942428.55 GBP
3 1645503.91 GBP
2021 53 19733696.04 GBP
9 4839057.75 GBP
3 1744451.15 GBP
2022 49 14099501.52 GBP
18 33858438.05 GBP
4 8568397.87 GBP
2023 23 19 32282424.05 GBP
4 13331020.66 GBP
2024 19 17 103617819.71 GBP
2 1052212.0 GBP
2025 5 4 2761673.0 GBP
1 1021736.0 GBP
2026 2 2 3750000.0 GBP

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
gb-chc-220949-activities 214 0 1.7 MB 2.03
gb-chc-220949-org-file 0 1 3.5 kB 2.03
gb-chc-220949-p7 157 0 1.0 MB 2.01

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 371 2
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 214 1
iati-activity/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 214 1
iati-activity/activity-date 371 2
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 371 2
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 371 2
iati-activity/activity-status 371 2
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 371 2
iati-activity/budget 178 2
iati-activity/budget/@status 21 1
iati-activity/budget/@type 21 1
iati-activity/budget/period-end 178 2
iati-activity/budget/period-end/@iso-date 178 2
iati-activity/budget/period-start 178 2
iati-activity/budget/period-start/@iso-date 178 2
iati-activity/budget/value 178 2
iati-activity/budget/value/@currency 178 2
iati-activity/budget/value/@value-date 178 2
iati-activity/collaboration-type 284 2
iati-activity/collaboration-type/@code 284 2
iati-activity/contact-info 214 1
iati-activity/contact-info/@type 214 1
iati-activity/contact-info/email 214 1
iati-activity/default-aid-type 371 2
iati-activity/default-aid-type/@code 371 2
iati-activity/default-finance-type 371 2
iati-activity/default-finance-type/@code 371 2
iati-activity/default-flow-type 371 2
iati-activity/default-flow-type/@code 371 2
iati-activity/default-tied-status 371 2
iati-activity/default-tied-status/@code 371 2
iati-activity/description 371 2
iati-activity/description/narrative 371 2
iati-activity/iati-identifier 371 2
iati-activity/location 48 1
iati-activity/location/name 48 1
iati-activity/location/name/narrative 48 1
iati-activity/participating-org 371 2
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 307 2
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 371 2
iati-activity/participating-org/narrative 371 2
iati-activity/recipient-country 289 2
iati-activity/recipient-country/@code 289 2
iati-activity/recipient-country/@percentage 180 1
iati-activity/recipient-region 181 2
iati-activity/recipient-region/@code 181 2
iati-activity/recipient-region/@percentage 72 1
iati-activity/related-activity 46 1
iati-activity/related-activity/@ref 46 1
iati-activity/related-activity/@type 46 1
iati-activity/reporting-org 371 2
iati-activity/reporting-org/@ref 371 2
iati-activity/reporting-org/@type 371 2
iati-activity/reporting-org/narrative 371 2
iati-activity/sector 312 2
iati-activity/sector/@code 312 2
iati-activity/sector/@percentage 214 1
iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary 312 2
iati-activity/title 371 2
iati-activity/title/narrative 371 2
iati-activity/transaction 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/@humanitarian 160 1
iati-activity/transaction/@ref 161 2
iati-activity/transaction/aid-type 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/aid-type/@code 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/description 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/description/narrative 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/disbursement-channel 161 2
iati-activity/transaction/disbursement-channel/@code 161 2
iati-activity/transaction/finance-type 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/finance-type/@code 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/flow-type 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/flow-type/@code 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@provider-activity-id 104 2
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@ref 227 2
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@type 159 1
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/narrative 268 2
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org 268 2
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@ref 104 1
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@type 90 1
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/narrative 268 2
iati-activity/transaction/tied-status 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/tied-status/@code 160 2
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-date 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-date/@iso-date 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-type 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-type/@code 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/value 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/value/@currency 269 2
iati-activity/transaction/value/@value-date 269 2
iati-organisation 1 1
iati-organisation/@default-currency 1 1
iati-organisation/@last-updated-datetime 1 1
iati-organisation/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/@format 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/@url 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/category 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/category/@code 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/document-date 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/document-date/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/title 1 1
iati-organisation/document-link/title/narrative 1 1
iati-organisation/name 1 1
iati-organisation/name/narrative 1 1
iati-organisation/organisation-identifier 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@ref 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@type 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org/narrative 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/@status 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-start 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-start/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/value 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/value/@currency 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/value/@value-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-start 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-start/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value/@currency 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value/@value-date 1 1

Organisation Identifiers

Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 214 214 214 214 0 0 0 0 0 (J)
Extending 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (J)
Funding 242 158 158 77 165 81 81 81 49.09 (J)
Implementing 623 132 132 0 623 132 132 132 21.19 (J)
Provider 2,326 1,746 1,746 1,074 1,252 672 672 671 53.59 (J)
Receiver 2,270 454 454 0 2,270 454 454 454 20 (J)