On Codelist

Codes that are on the AidType codelist.

B01 Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes 10
C01 Project-type interventions 22
D02 Other technical assistance 4
B03 Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by implementing partners 8
H01 Development awareness 3
A01 General budget support 3
G01 Administrative costs not included elsewhere 4
D01 Donor country personnel 3
B02 Core contributions to multilateral institutions and global funds 2
A02 Sector budget support 3
B04 Basket funds/pooled funding 2
E01 Scholarships/training in donor country 2
E02 Imputed student costs 1
H02 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries 1

Not On Codelist

Codes that are not on the AidType codelist.
